Hey! Welcome to the place in the internet entirely dedicated to ME.
For a bunch of years I spent all day every day working my ass off to get into, and graduate form a BFA program. In December 2020 I did just that. Unfortunately, December 2020 was historically a very bad time for live performance so I went back to school and became an interior designer.
Now I am living it up in New York City with my cat Barry, lots of plants, and a whole new perspective on life, art, and performance.
Join me on my journey!
how i got here
I hold a BFA in Musical Theatre form Oakland University SMTD and have worked as a scenic designer, lighting designer, sound designer, projections designer, properties master, production stage manager, assistant stage manager, choreographer, director and performer over the course of my career in live entertainment and the performance arts. While my degree is in performance, and most of my technical theatre knowledge has been self taught, I have had the incredible opportunity to work under many mentors who hold degrees in technical theatre, and I have a reputation for being a fast and motivated learner.
In grade school, my participation in theatre was mostly with underfunded rural programs that lacked the crucial resources and talent to create high level and technically advanced productions. I found that if I wanted to perform in shows with high production values, then I needed to learn how to provide those values myself. When I was in middle school, I started asking for lighting instruments for Christmas, and soon had a full model stage with an NSI console set up in my parents basement. When I was old enough to drive, I started using my equipment and knowledge learned on full sized stages with full sized productions.